
Improve your c-section scar mobility in just 5 minutes a day

Jan 2, 2024 | Uncategorized

Why do you need c-section scar treatment?  
As the tissues in your abdomen heal after cesarean surgery, they may become ‘stuck’ to each other, or to other structures in the pelvis. You may develop bladder dysfunction, stalled digestion, or low back pain because of scar tissue adhesions. Scar tissue massage is a treatment you can perform on yourself to prevent this.    Please check with your doctor or midwife before beginning scar care 6-8 weeks after delivery.

So how do you start?
Initially, treat your scar indirectly.   Focus on the tissues above and below your incision.   Lying down on your back comfortably, with a pillow or bolster under your knees, place your fingertips on your belly.  You will be above your scar, closer to your ribs.  Don’t use lotion or oil, as you want to gently move the skin without sliding. Let your fingers sink into your abdomen and slowly move them side to side, up and down, and clockwise/counterclockwise. If you notice any restrictions or tightness, gently hold your hand there for twenty seconds or until you feel a gentle release.   This may take some time so be patient,  Try the same process below your incision site. Gently place your fingertips on your lower belly, just above your pelvic bones. See if you can move the skin side to side,  up and down, and in circular motions. Try this on different areas on your upper and lower abdomen.

Direct Scar Massage:

With clean hands, start at one end of the incision. Place your fingertips lightly on your skin. Try to move the skin up and down, right and left and clockwise/counterclockwise.    Work your way down the length of the scar in this manner.  Also try skin rolling.   Your goal is to release adhesions and separate the layers of connective tissue.  This shouldn’t feel like a rug burn.   Gently ‘pinch’ the incision between your fingers and thumb and lightly roll your skin back and forth.  Can also move the skin in 3 planes of motion described above.
Be kind to yourself. This shouldn’t be painful!   Spend 5 peaceful minutes treating your scar with a calming playlist. Drink a lot of water and don’t be surprised if you feel emotional.   Childbirth feelings may be released too.
If you are uncomfortable treating your scar or this is just the tip of your symptoms, please reach out to body align physical therapy.  Click here for a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation and learn how you can  improve your mobility, reconnect with your core, and feel less restricted by your scar.